Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Play Therapy is a therapeutic intervention designed specifically for children aged (2-8years old). It is a developmentally designed intervention that focuses on cognitive and emotional aspects of development. The therapist gets actively involved with child to work on psychosocial challenges faced by children with neuro developmental or behavioural issues. Therapy aims to :

🔸Build Independence in Child
🔸Instill taking esponsibility for their behaviours
🔸 Make them learn new social skills
🔸Identify and express emotions in a healthy way
CBPT can either be directive or indirective .The Indirective therapy sessions of CBPT is not as appropriately planned as an adult counsellor session as the therapist observes the child quietly or may comment on what the child is doing. The therapist may become involved in the play if invited to do so by the child.

The Directive therapy sessions of CBPT has a specific goal for every session as a child may be told, “Today we’re going to play with puppets. This will be your puppet,” or the therapist may choose a specific game for them to play.

The therapist also may get involved in the play to direct the story.

CBPT may seem like normal play to parents.

We at HOPE assure parents that CBPT is well researched concept. Behavioural Therapists at Hope are qualified professionals who practice CBPT and works one on one with the parent to change unhealthy behaviors of the child to more healthier ones.

Our therapy techniques are backed well with research as well.